How to Make your own Patchwork Denim Jacket

How to Make your own Patchwork Denim Jacket

A new fashion trend, wearing your handmade quilt on your back! Recently, quilted jackets can be found at high end retailers like Anthropolgie and Nordstrom. There has also been a current trend for quilt makers to make their own quilted jackets at home. These jackets feature lovely quilt motifs that include flying geese, log cabin, [...]

Summer HI Quilt

Summer HI Quilt

        HI Harvey Milk! Murals have been created as a representation of human society since our beginning, the word mural comes from the latin word "murus", meaning wall .  Murals have a long tradition of being tools for social activism, propaganda, and freedom of expression.  Mural art is also meant to be [...]

Ombre Triangle Jitters Quilt

Ombre Triangle Jitters Quilt

Simple, modern, fast, and fabulous pretty much sums up Suzy Quilts Triangle Jitters quilt pattern.  I've fallen deeper in love with this quilt pattern the second time around.  Triangle Jitters graphic nature, paired with the simplicity of construction makes for the perfect quilt project.  My first time making this quilt I used pattered fabric that [...]

Scrappy Blue Baby Boy Quilt

Scrappy Blue Baby Boy Quilt

With so many new and fabulous fabric collections flooding online retailers and local fabric shops.  Using up old scraps can sometimes be the farthest inkling from your mind.  Yet, there is something thoughtful that comes from using those little bits and pieces of fabric that were once loved for other projects. A box of Blue fabric [...]

Banana Cream Pie

Banana Cream Pie

With summer officially upon us, I have been scouring my cookbooks for dessert recipes that have a sense of summer something fruity, light, and creamy.  Recently I have been making a blueberry cream cheese tart that my family loves.  Yet, I wanted a second option that I could put together for summer picnic's, or canyon [...]