How to Make your own Patchwork Denim Jacket

A new fashion trend, wearing your handmade quilt on your back! Recently, quilted jackets can be found at high end retailers like Anthropolgie and Nordstrom. There has also been a current trend for quilt makers to make their own quilted jackets at home. These jackets feature lovely quilt motifs that include flying geese, log cabin, and half square triangles. Making my own quilted jacket is something I’d love to tackle. However, I decided to create a similar look with a quick and easy quilt block that I attached to the back of a denim jacket. I used a half square triangle, however, if you are new to sewing this jacket could easily be made up of small squares sewn together.

William at Woodward Park City


Half Square Triangles will make up the back of William’s Patchwork Denim Jacket.

I purchased a denim jacket from the Gap for William and decided on a chambray blue along with gold and white speckled fabric from Ruby Star Society’s Speckled Collection. I made a total of 24 half square triangle blocks and arranged them in a simple pattern adding just the right punch to my young son’s denim jacket.


Half square triangles laid out and ready to be sewn together to make one large quilt block that will be sewn to the back of the jacket.


Pin your quilt block to the back of your jacket.

After sewing all the blocks together I pinned my quilt block to the back of his jacket and sewed along the edge with a small zig zag stitch.



Voila! A simple patchwork denim jacket for my young son. These patchwork blocks could be attached to the front or sides of a jacket as well. Or maybe your are looking to patch the holes in your favorite jeans, this would be a great way to add some personality to an old pair of jeans. Thank you for reading and letting me share some of my most recent makes!



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